Sunt enim multa nominibus computerized varia forma software-factio. Propria sunt: Beati varia software varia forma faciens software computerised varia software computerised varia exempla consilium software varia Nulla software varia forma software consilium etc. Et haec est exponerentur quae diversa arte plumaria software for netizens. Nec refert quod nomen est coro contentus magister application sit progressio ut occidere embroidery consilia computerized machinis opere plumarii. Hic, ut facilitate in unum explicandum de bysso retorta, opere plumarii software lets 'appellant.
Nam commodo est analysis, Yi PICTURA tempus dividit ea in duo genera, domesticis et externis. Primum inspice quod commune est.
Sicut et vos omnes scire, maxime basic de conceptu computerized vatem nostraeque fidem uti machinis pro acu pingere, labore et opere plumario mechanicas machinis inter ambigua mundi certissima computers motus (figura computers nomen est), et ita oportet fieri posse acu pingere, recte apparatus varia computerized. Nam forma ambitum operis seriem (praecepta) ponenda cadentia parameter est rei gestae solet "varia exempla fieri» (seu «varia forma facere"). Initium et causa-realization distinctum arte plumaria formam fit per informationem per factorem ecclesiam computatrum linguarum ex SUO una fuere, unum imperium imperium est.
I personally think that assuming a pattern of about 50,000 stitches, the working time of a pattern maker may reach about one week. , And this is only a first edition, plus revisions, it is estimated that this trick will not be done well within half a month, and the efficiency can be imagined. Of course, with the rapid development of our computer technology, graphic CAD software has also emerged, and the embroidery plate-making software has therefore also taken an epoch-making leap. {Originally, Yi Embroidery also wanted to quote some information about the development history of embroidery software. Unfortunately, until now Yi Embroidery does not know when the first embroidery software was developed, so I feel ashamed. In fact, Yixiu already had embroidery CAD software when it came into contact with computerized embroidery pattern making, so here is only the word "Feiyue" to summarize the development history, hey} When the embroidery software is developed to this stage, computer assembly language has been used. The input of pure data is transformed into digital manipulation of graphics. Embroidery pattern-makers no longer need to understand computer assembly language, but only need to perfectly "draw" the outline of the pattern, set unified parameters, and hand over the data conversion to our computer That's it, which greatly improves the efficiency of embroidery pattern-making.
Et secundum hoc sive illud domesticum sive externis software bysso retorta, opere suo proposito idem prorsus est sicut ejus core contentus; set per actum progressio pro computatrum opere plumarii apparatus, et varia forma factorem, non opus est initus progressio data est in uno, tantum non est satis: "trahere" et "forma" de quo adoletur incensum in software est scriptor graphical interface, et Data per conversionem perficiuntur input software. plumarii
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